Katherine P. Frank
Katherine P. Frank became the eighth chancellor of University of Wisconsin-Stout, after a distinguished career as an administrator and faculty member.

Erik Guenard
Vice Chancellor for Business, Finance & Administrative Services
Business, Finance & Administrative Services
Erik Guenard serves as UW-Stout’s chief business officer, overseeing the university’s budget, advising the chancellor on financial management, and working with faculty, staff, students and community members to accomplish university initiatives.

Seth Hudson
Executive Director for Corporate Relations & Economic Engagement
Corporate Relations & Economic Engagement
Seth Hudson directs UW-Stout’s Office of Corporate Relations & Economic Engagement, including the Manufacturing Outreach Center, Stout Technology and Business Park, and a comprehensive range of industry, applied research, technical assistance and technology transfer efforts of the university.

Michael Huggins
Strategic Marketing Officer
Michael Huggins is UW-Stout's strategic marketing officer. He oversees major initiatives to manage the university’s reputation, heighten visibility and generate revenue support through enrollment, fundraising and partnership development.

Ediz Kaykayoglu
Vice Chancellor for Enrollment & Strategic Initiatives
Enrollment & Strategic Initiatives
Ediz Kaykayoglu provides leadership and strategic direction for the Enrollment and Strategic Initiatives division, which is responsible for all aspects of university enrollment management. The division includes Admissions, the Advisement Center, Student Financial Aid Services, Registration and Records, Stout Online, Professional Education, and Continuing Education.

Kristi Krimpelbein
Head of Staff / Legislative Liaison
As the principal aide to the Chancellor, Kristi coordinates all Chancellor’s office operations and activities in support of institutional priorities. Kristi advises the Chancellor on policy, procedural, and operational issues of the university. Kristi is also responsible for records requests, and liaison activities with the state legislature, state and local officials, and the community.

Duey Naatz
Athletic Director
Duey Naatz is responsible for all aspects of the athletic department. Duey reports directly to the Chancellor.

Glendali Rodriguez
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Glendali Rodriguez works with the deans, department chairs, directors and the Division of Academic Affairs to ensure the best possible environment for teaching and learning, scholarship, research, creative activities, and student services. The Provost's Office, working with the deans, department chairs, directors and others, has oversight of the Division of Academic Affairs.

Sandra Scott
Dean of Students
Sandra Scott provides leadership and administrative oversight as the Dean of Students and for the Student Life and Services unit. Scott reports directly to the Chancellor and manages special projects.

Sue Traxler
Assistant Chancellor for Learning & Information Technology
Chief Information Officer
Learning & Information Technology
Sue Traxler is responsible for Learning and Information Technology (LIT) a support organization dedicated to providing efficient and effective state-of-the-art learning and information technology solutions and services to students, faculty, and staff for instruction, administration, and public service in support of the University's mission.

Meridith Wentz
Assistant Chancellor
Planning, Assessment, Research & Quality
Meridith Wentz is responsible for the University's strategic planning process, policies, accreditation and assessment. She is the director of Institutional Research and the Applied Research Center.

Mai Khou Xiong
Executive Director
Office of Student Opportunity & Excellence
Mai Khou is responsible for providing leadership and oversight for the Office of Student Opportunity & Excellence unit within the Chancellor’s Division. The Student Opportunity & Excellence unit includes Fostering Success, Multicultural Student Services, TRIO McNair Scholars Program, TRIO Student Support Services and the Qube. In this role, Mai Khou also works with the university, Universities of Wisconsin, and campus partners to ensure investment in and access to respectful and welcoming living, learning, and work environments.