There are so many questions to consider before starting a project. Will this project work? What equipment will I need? Is it age-appropriate for my students? Will it engage them?
One of the best parts of the WiFAB Cooperative is that we can share projects with each other. Find out about other educators' projects and successfully implement them in your Fab Lab. And don't forget to share a project of your own.
WiFAB Projects

- Applicable DPI Subjects: Art & Design, Mathematics, Technology & Engineering
- Appropriate Education Levels: Elementary, Middle and High School

- Applicable DPI Subjects: Art & Design, Business & Information Technology, Family & Consumer Sciences
- Appropriate Education Levels: High School and Adult

- Applicable DPI Subjects: Art & Design, Technology & Engineering
- Appropriate Education Levels: Elementary, Middle and High School, Community Members

- Applicable DPI Subjects: Art & Design, Mathematics, Technology & Engineering
- Appropriate Education Levels: Elementary and Middle School

- Applicable DPI Subjects: Art & Design, Graphic Design
- Appropriate Education Levels: Middle and High School, Community Members

- Applicable DPI Subjects: Art & Design, Mathematics, Technology & Engineering
- Appropriate Education Levels: Elementary, Middle and High School

- Applicable DPI Subjects: Art & Design, Mathematics, Technology & Engineering
- Appropriate Education Levels: Middle and High School